Friday, September 12, 2008


(Mob hideout: JANIE is hypnotising OLLIE[strapped to a chair])
JANIE: Do you have a name, Eh?
OLLIE(no accent): What? *phone rings*(JANIE gets it)
JANIE: Hello, Eh? Ollie's busy right now. (Pause) Okay (Pause) Yeah, Bye Abby.

(Bank: JOAN is behind the counter)(JENNY[w/ big fur coat] and the mob[holding guns] walk in)
JENNY: Hello, everybody! Eh!

(Outside of Bank: ABBY[cell phone] and TONY are waiting w/ the swat team)
ABBY: What!? (Pause)(Bank blows up/ Catches fire) We need him. (Puse) Aghhh! (hangs up) (to TONY:) Go downtown and activate Ollie's tracking device!

(Gang hide out: Same, JANIE and FIL are fighting)
FIL(Canadian accent): Eh! You said you'd get rid of him!
JANIE: I did, Eh! He doesn't even know who he is! (FIL cocks a gun)
FIL: The he'll die in ignorance, Eh. (TONY comes in shooting a shoutgun at FIL[getting shot in the head] and JANIE)
TONY: It's Tony, you -
(Looli's lab: LOOLI is sitting, tinkering w/ somthing)(TONY comes in carring OLLIE)
LOOLI: What 'appened?
TONY: He's been brainwashed!
(^Later)(OLLIE wakes up)
LOOLI: Oh thank goodness you're awake!
OLLIE: Looli? Tony?
TONY: I'm here!
OLLIE: It was Fil.
TONY: With an "F"?(OLLIE nods)
OLLIE: Oy don't know. JANIE was there to.

(Outside bank [putting out fire])(OLLIE, TONY, and LOOLI walk up)
ABBY: Vell you three are alot of help!
OLLIE: Thanks.
LOOLI: What happened?
ABBY: The bank blew-up. The Canadian Mob got avay vith most of zee money.(REY is coming by w/ JOAN on a portable hospital bed)
JOAN: Ollie!
OLLIE: Joan?
JOAN: Your police department is pretty good.
LOOLI: We try.
REY: I hate all of you.

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