Monday, November 10, 2008


(Interrogation room: FIL is sitting at a table)
NARRATOR: 2 years ago. (B'IL walks in)
B'IL: Ms. Ipjhonnybob, all your papers are going through. But I'm srry we'll have to keep you here untill your United States Citizenship is finalized.
FIL: Okay, Eh. Thank you Mr...?
B'IL: B'il Ribbons.
FIL: I'll be shure to wait patiently.

(Cell: JENNY is sitting)(Police Officers bring FIL in)
FIL: I'm your new inmate, Eh.
JENNY: You another Canadian, Eh?
FIL: Yes.
JENNY: I've got a friend for you to meet.

(Jail Cafeteria: JANIE is getting food)(JENNY & FIL walk up to her)
JENNY: Hey, Janie!
JANIE: No, Jenny! No more killing, No more violence! Eh!
JENNY: I just wanted to introduce you to my new friend.
FIL: Hi, I'm Fil. (JANIE stares at FIL)
JANIE: You don't look like the type of Canadian we want (pause) -ed. Eh. (JENNY smiles)
JENNY: You can't give up the blood lust. We have to organize now. Eh
FIL: Okay.
JANIE(sadly): I'll rally Rý and the Canadians.

(Back Alley: RÝ is laying in a corner, FIL is standing over her w/ a switchblade)
TÝ(Narration)(Minnesota accent): Terrible people, don'tcha know! My sister, Rý tried to get evolved, but they wouldn't let her in, because she's from Minnesota.
FIL: So Rý, you aren't Canadian?
RÝ(Minnesota accent): Duh!
FIL: Leave, don't come back.
RÝ: Why?
FIL: Because there was a time when we were friends. I won't kill you like I should.

(Haynes Casino: TÝ & OLLIE are singing)
NARRATOR: Present day

(ABBY walks in during the song)
(ABBY shoots TÝ w/ electricity)
ABBY: Come on Ollie, what are you doing?
OLLIE: Snapping (OLLIE snaps twice)(SKUL spills a bucket of water on ABBY)
ABBY: Agh! (ABBY falls over)(SKUL handcuffs ABBY)
SKUL(showing everybody her badge): It's okay, I'm a police officer.

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